Supply Chain Health Check

2CSL’s unique Supply Chain HealthcheckTM can help you save up to 10% of your supply chain costs. 

Achieve full supply chain potential 
Our SupplyChain Healthcheck™ delivers a detailed diagnosis of your current supply chain operations, including cost, product flow and lead time, supplemented by high-level process mapping. This proven, fact-based and practical approach helps us understand your supply chain and deliver value-driven solutions that meet your business goals including:

  • Revenue growth
  • Increased operating margin
  • Improved asset utilisation.

Consultation and diagnosis 
Our dedicated team of experts analyse and diagnose your supply chain, starting with high-level interviews to understand your strategic priorities. We then benchmark your supply chain against industry peers and best-in-class companies from other industries using key operational and financial performance indicators. This identifies the symptoms and focuses our data gathering and process reviews. The outcome is a detailed diagnosis of your current operations.

The prescription 
Based on the diagnosis, our teams of experts make recommendations, which are tested and prioritised using simulated future supply chain scenarios. The results form the basis of the implementation roadmap which specifies practical solutions that help meet your business goals.

The results 
On average, our SupplyChain Healthcheck leads to a 10% improvement in supply chain costs.

 For further information on 2CSL SupplyChain Healthcheck,please contact your local office or fill in our enquiry form.